Well last week was super busy and I forgot to get an update up. So I am rolling these two weeks in to one.
Honestly these last two weeks I haven’t been keeping up with the program. I started working as a cashier at Safeway, and well its been harder on my body then I could have ever possibly imagined. Plus I messed up my shoulder/upper back and well it hurts like heck by the time I get home from work that working out just isn’t even in my mind. I am not sure if I hurt it at work or while working out last week all I know is it burns all the time for no reason. I am going to the Doctor on Monday to get it all figured out.
I have also not been able to keep up with the meal plan exactly since working 9 hour days and only getting short breaks its hard to eat what I should. I have been for breakfast lunch and dinner the best that I can just the snack meals haven’t been to successful with.
I am still trying to work everything with Work, working out, homework, and family time in to a solid routine just haven’t gotten to get there yet.
Next week I am going back to the Detox week since the last few days I have been getting home later and just grab something that is in the fridge or the deli at work for dinner. Like I said I am doing the best I can. I am probably beating myself up more over this then anyone else. I am starting to feel like I am failing, yet I DO know that I am only a failure if I don’t get back on the saddle and move forward. Sometimes it is just hard to remind yourself of this.
Here is a video from Nicole on why she started Revolt Fitness for women everywhere
Watching Nicole totally inspires me every time, I know if she an do it So can I. I know that this setback even at the beginning is just that a setback I refuse to give up and I will Do it. I am not afraid of this just need to figure it all out to be who I want to be.